So the intern thinks he doesn't drink. We'll see... This place has a way of changing that

  • 2
    Interns are those rebel who rebel against themselves after some time and become one of us.
  • 5
    @levi2707 It's also kinda depressing seeing all the passion they have knowing that eventually, they'll end up like me. Here 100% for the money
  • 2
    @TheBeardedOne totally agreed, the passion only remains if you create something new everytime but the fact is that we do repetitive task and the "new" that we develop is also repetitive so the passion eventually fade off.
  • 1
    @levi2707 Yea and I have pretty bad adhd so the novelty of any product pretty much wares off by the time I've done one change on it
  • 2
    Maybe drinking at work is the problem in the first place 🙃
  • 0
    @ostream yeah what the hell...

    since i stopped drinking ca. 8 years ago, i had multiple people try to pressure me to drink with them, including my parents. I mean wtf..

    Just in case: i stopped drinking, because i almost killed myself with it.
    So yeah.. no thanks
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