Hello guys im observing since some time your rants.
Here are people which are quite experienced.

I want to start as Freelancer in Germany, mostly for Web development.
All of my Customers are looking for a neat looking, responsive and fast Website.

What should I use and what Templates​/framework I could take as a blueprint for the future websites.

Any suggest are welcome!

  • 9
    hi, welcome to devr

    i'd say keep it simple for smaller sites, (php7, jquery, bootstrap, fontawesome) will do just fine and allow fast development

    for bigger projects maybe laravel and vuejs too
  • 0
    @RazorSh4rk Welcome! And continue learning ever
  • 0
    Definitely get you some basic hosting that allows a lot of customization. Bias to nodejs stacks but go through a few different tutorials
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    Cough cough Rails is love
  • 1
    It all depends on what your customer want, specially on how much to pay on hosting alone, all shared hosting companies offer php and cgi, most of them will offer only that. (And asp but I don't want to taco about it)

    So you will need specialized hosting for rails, node, python etc.

    Passing that, anything that allows fast development is cool, but yeah I'll say php with slim or laravel, bootstrap and font awesome for the front.

    But if speed is what you want, work with minimal frameworks like slim php or Sinatra for the back, pure css and vanilla js for the front.

    (Here comes the commercial) I can get you cheep shared hosting if you need it, post your email.
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    python (Django is nice), angular or react, bootstrap 4, mariadb, tmux, omzsh, sublime text 3.

    larvavel/symfony if php. Doctrine's pretty handy too.

    make sure to grab some linters. I use:
    - eslint (js)
    - csslint
    - undecided on my php one
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    Don't do that! Do contracts instead. Pays much better, gets you way more experience and really is also more fun.
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    @TreeBeard hmm can we search rants get, idk. There’s been a couple of threads that mention a few. I know hostgator is not the most liked but it let me have a lot of control and was reasonable. But there are better ones I’ll see if I can find some threads
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