
Got warned for having low performance. Time to beg my previous employer to take me back when I rejected their offer last year.

If it worked, I will probably need to be a complete asshole to get laid off

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    This corporate job is completely shit. Managers asked me to help their shitty projects. They gave me one large project then took it away. During performance review, they complained I didn't do jack shit when they actively sabotage my prs and asked me to rollback to a state that proved to be broken. 😂 FK them
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    It would really break my rizz

    @Sid2006 that's the right way to use rizz right? :D
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    @retoor 🤣🤣, yeah totally.
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    Time to beg my previous employer to take me back when I rejected their offer last year


    Dude what. Your previous employers have wanted you back. What kinda heaven do you live in?
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    @Sid2006 I have that too. I'm a maniac when it comes to work but currently bit depressed
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    @retoor Well, I wouldn't want my employers to want me back anyway. I usually quit when I've made my peace with the office/company that I will never work there again.

    About your depression, have you tried cheering up ?? 🤣
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    @retoor I apologize in advance. Depression isn't something to be made fun of.
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    @Sid2006 I'm just tired of web development but it's all web. Sometimes I want to go back to netbeans connected on ftp and only code. No scrum. Just fucking amateur style. But that was php, i can't do php anymore, it's so ugly compared to python. But python is boring as f and the level of others is sad. Python is also a language for people not caring about programming
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    @retoor holy crap you really give a shit about coding.

    I used to have this level of passion too until I got fucked over for it. since then, I consider this as something that lets me earn my living. I don't think about coding a second after i clock off of work.

    But I really admire that about you, you should be proud of yourself.
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    @Sid2006 it was my dream to become a programmer since eight year old of so. Shouldve dreamed what bigger. Even traveled for work what is beyond dreams. I don't have dreams atm. Not motivated moving forward. I didn't expect that killing squirrels by using inefficient scripting languages becomes boring. That reminds me, have to take todays squirrel out of the oven and add some unions
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