
Lost hours of time because i wrote field name in prisma.schema `proivder` instead of `provider`

  • 2
    Use a spell checker and a linter in your IDE to catch these issues as you code.

    You should always have the following:
    * Live spell checking
    * Live syntax checking
    * Live linting
    * On demand opinionated formatting (which opinion doesn't matter, just make sure everyone is using the same one)
    * Auto trim whitespace on save
    * Single new line on save
    * Show all space characters as a dot, and all tab characters as a line
    * A testing framework with coverage, unit tests, and behaviour tests (TDD red/green/refactor highly recommended)
    * Version control (git)
  • 1
    The good thing about software is that you can correct your mistakes more easily.

    Imagine creating a statue of naked David over the course of two years and you realize too late that you chiseled away what should have become his dong. That's a block of fine marble wasted right there - and maybe how ripped amazons have been invented...
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