
My last internship. When acquiring a new project and having to give an estimate the boss/sales guy always went to the programming team first to ask them what the estimate was and then communicated that back to the client(s).

Asked him why he does that because many companies don't:

Well, the programmers are going to write the software so why the hell would *I* be the one who gives the fucking estimates?

Yes that was a good boss.

  • 8
    But then whatever you give him, he divides by 2 or more?
  • 12
    @billgates Nope he lets all estimates up to the programmers and PM! (technical PM)
  • 30
    Any *good* company will do this. And good managers will take your estimate and add some for unforeseen events.
  • 5
    @billgates, I remember I had a boss who did that. And then his boss would remove another piece to offer that to customers. So we would estimate and then multiply by three.
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