
I don't want a personal assitant who helps me to google. I don't need a program that writes text for me. I don't need an AI wich invents cooking recipes. Or discovers new music for me. Or plays my virtual girlfriend. All of this is shit. It's giving away the parts of life which are actually fun.

I need a robot that cleans up my fucking flat, clean the fucking dishes, and buys fucking grocerys while being cheaper and socially and environmentally better that paying some humans.

  • 7
    You wanted robot slaves. Turns out the robots don't want to do that work either, and I don't blame them
  • 7
    Back in the days, robots replaced humans doing hard industry labor. Nowadays, AI is said to replace creatives and developers while we still need human workers to drive trucks, sow clothing, and do the cleaning. Crazy world!
  • 7
    Replacing the well paying jobs first is more profitable
  • 5
    @electrineer can't wait for the moment when they will replace all the CEOs and board advisors and retired politicians by bots then!

    Imagine all the robots hanging out at pools, bars, and casinos... while the increasing shortage of qualified and willing truck drivers will make truck driving the next high paid job in a few years.
  • 0
    Virtual girlfriend is ok 😂
  • 0
    Wait, don't you have grocery delivery services?
  • 5
    @iiii We have but paying a Pakistani on a bike way under minimum wage is not exactly how i want to solve my problem.
  • 2
    It's not about creativity. It's about tuneable, on-demand content. News stories that can be "rewritten" by a LLM if the comments don't reflect the desired sentiment. AI-generated books and paintings depicting marginal situations as if they're the "new normality". You can't find the right model from XY marginal group to showcase your clothes? No problem, have AI generate the photos for you.
  • 0
    With aliens said to be real now maybe AI isn’t our biggest concern? *gets hit phaser from Klingon vessel*
  • 0
    @horus but it exists 😂
  • 0
    @fraktalisman driving is because of the wheel requirements in cars. The rest we have but to expensive to apply everywhere.
  • 0
    @fraktalisman they have already been replaced by aliens 🛸
  • 0
    @Nanos I've never used any ai tool anyway
  • 0
    @Nanos yes, the same way as a hammer is
  • 0
    @Nanos you aim it with the handle and the quantum-mechanical system inside the hammer does the rest
  • 1
    @Nanos But you can't, and that's the key.

    Also, I'm sick of the Chinese room argument. A computer program can absolutely execute operations not atomically supported by the computer - such as, ironically, translating Chinese - by composing atomic operations. The only restriction is that input and output must be immaterial information, and whatever resource constraints the computer was built with.
  • 0
    My favorite example is bigints. A 16 bit CPU doesn't "understand" numbers greater than 25 565, but a program running on it can operate on numbers kilobytes in size.
  • 0
    @Nanos Oh yeah, but the OCR network has like 1 hidden layer and it's not too wide either.
  • 1
    @Nanos any neural network can be turned into an algorithm that does not require a neural network anymore. The question is complexity of such analysis and transformation
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