
This freelancer postponed the interview due to an air strike. 😮

We were hiring for a game we were building and Kyiv Ukraine has by far the best animators and developers. I love hiring those folks.

We had a job posted on upwork and we scheduled to meet with this team, and I kid you not, they had to postpone the interview because they were fleeing the city. We were worried this was going to happen and they reassured us it's all good. But they sent a message a day later and said they unfortunately have to postpone because their lead designer is actively fleeing to other cities and doesn't have internet. During the interview they said they saw parts of the city that were being attacked.

I don't know how true this was or if it was just a tactic for us to hire them. But they ultimately didn't fit our art style we were looking for.

Pretty bonkers.

  • 6
    First paragraph: ukraine has by far the best animators and developers

    Last paragraph: they don't fit the art style we are looking for

    Are you bipolar sir?
  • 6
    @b2plane just because they typically have the best. Doesn't mean they always fit the cog in the wheel. Sometimes it doesn't work out. 🤷‍♂️
  • 3
    Most probably not a lie. Depends on time when that was happening.
  • 1
    This shit is pretty wild, I have been in somewhat a similar position.

    In a previous company I worked at, one of our developers was stationed in one of the southern border cities in Mexico, he was to visit one of our employers on site to perform troubleshooting proceadures. Dude could not because that day the cartel decided to have a small war in the city. Top brass, from which I was a team leader that would report to them asked me if such thing was true, I assured them it was since they could see it happening on live mexican news.

    Shit is wild sometimes. And cartel wars are pretty fucking crazy
  • 1
    @AleCx04 and yes, I told our man to stay put and wait for everything to finish and told him to do the shit he needed to do remotely if possible. He did, he could, homie is alive
  • 1
    @AleCx04 dang that's wild. Gota teach these foos to code. Put down the guns and drugs and get a taste of a real drug; writing a feature that runs the first time without any bugs. 🤤
  • 1
    @gagan-suie aye no shit, do code, not drugs
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