
Aaaand my fucking finger is fucked again.

Same finger!


The weirdest thing is: I DID NOT DO ANYTHING TO DESERVE IT!!! FFS, I was just riding my etwow in the street between cities.

Why... Now my finger is twice the size, itches and hurts driving me crazy.

  • 3
    Can relate. My left hand middle finger is inflated at the top idk why or how. If I press it it hurts like hell.

    I kinda think it must be the deadlifts I do. I can post a pic if u want to see it.
  • 7
    It's karma for that one comment you posted in the past. You know the one
  • 0
    Maybe it's gout?
  • 3
    @lungdart I flicked off the bee and pulled out its sting while riding the scooter. I'm pretty sure it's a bee sting
  • 2
    poor you, get better soon and meanwhile wave it proudly to anyone who is in need to see it ;)
  • 2
    I couldn't imagine what I would do if I hurt my hands these days, .. That's why I'm so very careful about what I do ..
  • 2
    Maybe an allergy pill would help.
  • 3
    If a bee sting really fucks you that hard, you might be allergic and visiting a doctor might help. Some reactions are treatable.

    Also: Stop kiling innocent bees by luring them into attacking you. Don't dress and move so inviting.
  • 3
    @Oktokolo you're right, I should practice naked riding more
  • 3
    @Demolishun maybe. But.. You know.. We're men. For some wicked reason we enjoy occasional mild torture - makes us feel we can deal with stuff. So I keep Tavegyl hidden for serious cases :) [I think it's already expired...]
  • 1
    @netikras I don't think, that exposing even more skin is a good idea if you want to be stung less.

    But maybe in your case it actually does work just because then you aren't wearing that elaborate flowers and bees dress either...
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