Fuck this new client.
Can’t go into much detail but if you think you’ve got it bad, think again. This shit show of a client has taken incompetence, micromanagement and chaos to whole new levels.

  • 5
    Document everything they ask you to do. Put your time estimations next to the task, with what they said they'd give you, the actual start date, the actual finish date.

    Every time they give you a new task, review the document and tell them in your expert opinion the deadlines are not possible, and if they continue you won't be liable for losses.

    Clients like that lose the company money in the long run. Either they'll wise up or get fed up and leave, either way is an added value stream to the company.
  • 0
    No, can't be worse than mine. I refuse to believe it.

    I've had my time wasted with meetings multiple times a week since October last year. I resent them so much.
  • 1
    @Shardj I feel your pain
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