Company grows a 30% and internet starts getting slow.
Solution from company: Block half of common websites

  • 2
    A better solution could be have a better internet provider
  • 3
    This is a signal shit is going down the drain, trust me
  • 4
    That feeling when all your colleagues are streaming music from 4K YouTube videos.
  • 2
    well, that's retarded. would your boss cut off their kid's limbs to fit the outfits too?
  • 2
    Or even better, if you block all access to internet it should free up even more bandwidth
  • 0
    Company: "if it works it ain't stupid"
  • 1
    Or you should buy new networking equipment that can handle more clients ;)
  • 0
    @JonnyCodewalker well they blocked stuff like Google Hangouts and LinkedIn, Twitter... And lots of sites. And we recently needed to be communicated with our relatives... (Mexico earthquake) and every channel of communication is blocked
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