
my first video on youtube.
i made a video with soothing nature sounds.

get earphones and just relax

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    why tho
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    @SidTheITGuy because i was feeling bored and bad. so i made this video, now i feel better
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    😉 Welcome, creator! Glad you found your niche.

    A little shameless plug where I claim to have 5+ videos related to devRant (one way or another) that you can watch now!
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    > "get earphones and just relax"

    Until the 12:30 mark, and a toothless dude I don't understand talks for 2 minutes. :)

    Then for a laugh, this is one of my first videos ...

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    @PaperTrail So much for a relaxation, amirite? :)

    Your XML video gives off major Plotagon vibes. 😆
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    Thanks OP very comfy listening
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    @PaperTrail the toothless dude is from the movie "history of yoga", he's speaking in hindi. there are english subtitles in that portion of video.
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