
"we don't use typescript, it adds more complexity"

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    If you can do JavaScript with JSDoc comments - why not? I mean, as long as you don't deal with complicated logic and generics, it can prove handy.
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    @vintprox can you plz post a pic of your pants. I just want to check something. 🙄
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    @gagan-suie State your argument clearly?
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    Fake post. These are not JavaScript trousers, these are very clearly Perl trousers. Perl people would never touch JS or TS.
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    @AlmondSauce nobody _able_ to put on trousers would touch JS or TS out of their own free will.
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    @vintprox Why would you choose false TS with silent failures and inconvenient and janky typedefs over real TS with inline typedefs and dedicated configuration methods? Jsdoc kinda works for functions and classes although I'd still choose TS if type documentation is planned from the start, but anything more complicated is extremely unintuitive if even possible.
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