@dfox (this might not be the correct way to tag here, but we'll see once I post)

A few suggestions:

1. Being able to move between day, month etc. by swiping left or right

2. A web interface (to rant from a laptop/desktop)

3. Link "framing" (a-la WhatsApp, messenger, where links get a frame with a picture and description)

4. basic markdown (bold, quotes, etc. a-la Reddit. this might exist but I haven't run into it, and if it does maybe a preview window for the result would be helpful)

Really like the app, cheers!

  • 2
    Also pull to refresh on a single post view (to see new comments and ++s on your own posts)
  • 0
    also maybe a time metric next to usernames to put the ++ total in context, since new ranters will have low scores to begin with without being "bad users". I do like the ++ metric
  • 0
    a few more things lastly, (since I keep getting ideas after I post)

    1. post and comment editing

    2. swiping left on "day" to open the menu

    and tagging / usernames being a different color when tagged (if this doesn't exist rather than I just don't know how to do it)
  • 2

    That is the website and you can rant from your laptop / desktop...
  • 2
    @manFrame https://www.devrant.io/rants/86706

    :) link to the rant from a comment inside the rant :) - meta
  • 0
    @manFrame You're right, Dunno why I thought it just prompts you to get the app, forgive me internet
  • 0
    @manFrame you can also go directly to devrant.io/feed or devrant.io/feed/recent to spare a click ;)
  • 5
    I bet dfox's list of things to do just keeps expanding every day
  • 2
    @Glassound there's rant feed on top right corner.
  • 0
    There's a feedback form as the last entry in the menu. I'm sure that goes directly to dfox's inbox ;)
  • 2
    Thank for the feedback! I almost missed this (which is why feedback form or info@devrant.io is preferred for feedback), but good stuff. A lot of stuff we're working on but I'll make sure we add these items to our feature discussions and the list where all the other feedback goes!
  • 0
    @skydeveloper or a wiki
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