
I just got a message that I've to be in the office twice a week, starting October. I'll have to move my ass to another city now. The whole pandemic just flashed before my eyes.

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    We have a policy of minimum 40% attendance in the office since the pandemic but most people don't follow it. So far, I haven't heard anyone getting a warning because of it. As long as you sometimes pop up in the office, it's fine.

    Do you really have to move? Is occasionally long commute not possible?
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    @cho-uc yeah I'm too thinking about the long commute, but it's a 4 to 5 hour drive one way, so not sure if it'll get tiresome after a while. Do you also do this? Also wondering what days work best in such a scenario - just before weekend, just after weekend, midweek? Damn it's complicated.
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    Nope I don't commute as my place is near the office.

    I thought that 1-2h commute one way is fine if only occasionally. But 4-5h?! Damn, maybe you do need to move.

    Either that, or try to find a new job. Pretty sure you won't be the only one in your company quitting over this decision
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    That’s such an asshole move, fuck companies that do this. So they want you to either buy a new place to live, drive 4-5 hrs which is insane and you’ll tire yourself and your car out badly from the commute and the job, or be let go all because some manager wants to look at you.
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    Or you could find a new one by October
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    @coldfire easier said than done. I knew this day would come but wasn't expecting it so early. I'm not mentally prepared for a switch yet. It's exhausting. And the current job market looks bleak. But yeah, I'll probably start looking elsewhere pretty soon.
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    @cygnus just refuse.
    If they are hell bent on letting you come just make the calculation how much time it costs, in money, the time commuting, the expense on gas, public transportation, carbon émission, needlessly away from family...

    I actually did the math and I ended up on €354 a day just the one trip on/off.
    I told them that I would bill that amount, plus taxes , for every single commute.

    I am working 90% remote. Only twice a month I come to the office.

    Negotiate like a mobster boss.
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    Ah, now that I think about it, I have a new hourly rate, that's like 20% on top of that, so ending up on almost €420 just for a simple commute...
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