
People who take hours to reply to text messages after seeing them: why?
I approach texting like baseball, hit the ball as soon as i see it coming, why the fuck are you playing chess with me.

  • 6
    Because while you play baseball, we are playing simultaneous exhibition chess, and we don't actually see our text messages when they are displayed on some device and often automatically and prematurely marked as "read" even if we did find time to set a "do not disturb" / "away" / "in a meeting status somewhere.
  • 7
    Because I got stuff to do. I don't just sit around all day waiting for someone to message so I can reply. It goes in the queue, I'll get around to it when I can.
  • 3
    I don't seek personal validation through an inherently delayed medium.
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  • 3
    the question is, why should i?
    i have better stuff to do, than being disturbed by my phone every now and then. If something is urgent, you'll find a way to contact me anyways.
  • 2
    I have specific hours I reply to text messages and emails. In the morning I mostly work on my stuff, that is the time I get most stuff done. In the afternoon, I start to answer message and help co-worker. Most of them know this by now and are ok with it, it is also marked in my shared calender.
  • 1
    Based on your Indian-sounding username, I guess you're an Indian or someone with the same communication "style", as most Indians I worked with or know, who handle online communications as if they were in-person ones (_fun fact_: that isn't how it works for most people across the globe).

    I bet you just send "Hi"/"Hello" followed by the person's name and expect them to waste their time saying a greeting and then _only_ then do you ask what you wanted to ask or say what you wanted to say. When you could have simply gotten to the point (i.e. asking what you wanted to ask or saying what you wanted to say).

    People like that are the reason https://nohello.net/en/ and https://no-hello.com/ exists.

    So a pro-tip for you: when you message a colleague, get to the point instead of wasting their and your time with useless back-and-forths on greetings and treat online messages more like emails.
  • 1
    Kind of weird that you complain about people not responding on text. But you have had all day today to respond to use here and not a peep. How is this forum different than text? Something to think about I suppose.
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    @Demolishun who are you referring to?
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    @black-kite I am responding to op.
  • 1
    @Demolishun yeah ok I understand what you mean now. I was tired when I read it 😴
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