
Website: We care about your privacy and don't sell your information to third parties.

*inspects Privacy Badger*
*notices a truckload of Google/facebook trackers/ad thingies*

Yeah why don't you go fuck yourself.

  • 3
    @SHA-16384 how to configure it properly? When I tried it a bunch of sites wouldn't load properly :/
  • 3
    @SHA-16384 when did we have 16384? I thought PCs went that powerful yet?
  • 10
    For giggles I looked at how many trackers Focus blocked on my school's online classroom site... Login page alone had 12. Before logging in.
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    @linuxxx I think I would've been happier not knowing
  • 7
    So they are Not selling it. They Just give it away for free :)

    Or does anyone ever received a single cent from facebook (for such stuff)? ^^
  • 9
    I need an ad blocker that replaces all ads on a page with pictures of puppies and hamsters.

    And sends false tracking information saying I’m only interested in socks and towels.
  • 2
    I interviewed with Conversant, a digital ad company you've probably never heard of before, and I asked how they deal with people using extensions to block ads, tracking, cookies, etc. Specific to the cookies, they've partnered with online retailers to become first-party cookies. So even if you block third-party cookies it's no use.
  • 5
    @paralegalseagul I don't block cookies. I've got an add-on which removes all cookies of a site after I close the tab :)
  • 2
    @tofonion I shouldn't whisper this stuff because it might be illegal, but Google has made losses through a ad blocker
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    @tofonion adblock plus did something similar for April's fools a few years ago. They replaced every ad with pictures of cats.
    It's the best decision they've ever made, the Internet definitely needs more cats
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