
so guys, what is your preferred os for development?

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    Depends on what I'm doing. If it's Linux/Web I'm on a Linux system and if I'm making something for Windows I'm on Windows. Simple as that. 😊
  • 6
    Did you just assume my os?
  • 1
    Linux most of the time
  • 6
    Arch Linux. No discussion.
  • 0
    What @tracktraps said. Unless I'm forced to do iOS.
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    As long as I have Unix, I'm fine. Currently using Mac OS, will likely switch to Linux when I change my laptop (let's be honest, I'm so terrible at managing my Linux that I'll most likely stick with Ubuntu, as I'll definitely need the support)
  • 3
    @tracktraps You definitely use arch linux because only arch users say arch Linux instead of Linux.

    p.s. I'm an arch user

    p.p.s. arch Linux all the way

    p.p.p.s. virtualbox when needed
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    MacOS/Ubuntu. I'd try other distros, but i don't have the luxury of time to be configuring stuff too long yet
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    @Paramite well memed
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    Mostly Os X, because I can do all forms of mobile development with it. Arch Linux for personal use, at work it is a mixture between windows, mac and debian based distros, mostly ubuntu or linux lite. Time is money, being badass at having ultra configurable distros takes time away from what I need to do, timeIsMoney
  • 4
    idgaf, java runs on over 3 billion devices :^)
  • 1
    Currently using Mac OS... I like it! UI is amazing to me 😊☺️
  • 0
    Windows, and Ubuntu for backend stuff deployment.
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