
FUCK XCODE. FUCK AUTOLAYOUT. I have been working on my app for eight months, perfecting every detail and making the UI absolutely stunning. Today, Apple rejected my app for not supporting iPad. My app was not supposed to support iPad, I would hate for a user to install on an iPad. So, I said whatever and tried to autolayout the app. This didn't work, so I turned off autolayout. Guess what. My entire layout was destroyed and when I tried to click the undo button, nothing happened. This is classic Xcode. I am so fucking pissed, I want to scream. I just lost months of hard work because they can't fucking get their developer tool working, but they can release a phone with no headphone jack.

  • 1
    Man that bad but have you ever heard about backup?😦
  • 2
    @aitkotw I'm pissed at myself as well... but clicking a button shouldn't be able to mess up your entire layout.
  • 0
    @Jop- yup. App got rejected twice because the resolution wasn't great on iPad.
  • 0
    @Jop- I do remember creating the project as iPhone only, not universal.
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