
I HATE automated messages on Slack

Remove fucking GitHub updates, Jira updates, all this stupid bullshit that pollutes actual communication between humans in all that fucking shit and makes me miss actual messages because I ignored a channel where that garbage cancer shit was set up on?

What's wrong with going to fucking Jira and GitHub and checking how things are going THERE?

  • 0
    Complain to your slack administrators who enabled all bullshit "integrations".
  • 3
    it's funny because when i first discovered them i was all this is so cool we must use them

    now i ignore almost all of them
  • 11
    Move those to separate dedicated channels where people who need such messages join and continue while others can leave or peek without joining
  • 0
    I love the automated bot messages. I see this as an opportunity to be nice to them. For you never know when Skynet becomes self aware.
  • 1
    Quality rant, have my ++.
  • 4
    Slack updates are great. You can put GitHub changes there so the tech illiterate crowd can see that *something* is being done by the IT guys, while the programmers can just talk in discord without being pestered.
  • 2
    I think they're a great thing, I use them all the time.

    Caveat though is that they're in separate channels. Mixing discussion and automated notification channels would be nasty.
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