
I don't like things like "programming is copy&paste"
But if you think about it... Actually it is: when you don't know how to use a function or how to write a new language you read the docs, copying and using what they say 🤔

Stack Overflow? It's a doc full of examples 😁

  • 2
    Half of the programmers comes from there
  • 1
    @hash-table Well, TBH I didn't mean that programming is JUST copy&paste, I'm sorry for this
  • 1
    @GodHatesMe Yeah, I know it isn't but I'm trying to not-hate who says so, so I wrote "copying and using what they say"
  • 2
    programming.Contains(copy&paste) == true

    programming != copy&paste
  • 1
    @xalez exactly!
  • 0
    You guys r talking about programming in JS right? 😂
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