
If VSCode was a girl, I would kiss every part of her body and devote my life to her.

And I would promise not to use any extension on her. She is beautiful as she is.

  • 13
    In my opinion, VSCode is more like a naked 6 year old that you have to age and clothe for it to be useful at all
  • 23
    @SpencerBeige you ruining my imagination 😐
  • 2
    i dress her up in every possible java extension
  • 1
  • 8
    This is a weird rant...
    I also love VS Code, but not in a sexual way.
    Looks like I'm not programmer enough to understand your feelings, @Tahnik 😂
  • 13
    Rant ruined by pedo comments.
  • 1
    @Alice i'm so glad i know you guys to an extent

    i almost took this seriously 😂
  • 2
    I'd go gay for vs code.
  • 3
    Oh. Never had such thought before. I have been using sublime since it was out. And I guess I see it as my best pet that I can teach all cool tricks. 😀
  • 1
    @SpencerBeige im calling the po po
  • 0
    Vscode? Is that the IDE that sends all your source code to Microsoft?
    Be serious, use IntelliJ. Or Sublime or Atom at least.
  • 2
    @SpencerBeige Well that escalated quickly 😳
  • 0
    @Alice we're in a relationship. I would not stay with a random girl for 1.5 years 🙃

    It's not like a little kid to me.

    Hey what's wrong with you guys? 🙁
  • 0
    @mt3o DUDE !! are you serious ??
  • 0
    Heard so. However it's illegal to check because license forbids reverse engineering and sniffing its packets. The whole "open source" thing regarding vs code is a lie. Check the license.
  • 1
    @mt3o it's MIT license. None of what you said is true.
  • 0
    @configurator https://code.visualstudio.com/licen... this is nowhere near MIT. Am I the only one who reads what I have to agree?

    Point 2 of the license agreement:

    DATA. The software may collect information about you and your use of the software, and send that to Microsoft. Microsoft may use this information to provide services and improve our products and services
  • 0
    @mt3o no, but you're ignoring quite a lot of details, apparently because they don't suit your hatred of VS Code. This is all available within one or two clicks from the page you linked:

    - Microsoft has stated they make no changes to the product except in package.json.

    - They even told you where to find the modified file so you can see their changes.

    - You can set your own endpoints via that same file so you'll get all telemetry data and see it for yourself.

    - No revenue engineering or sniffing is required because they have specifically told you how to do it.

    Even if you don't believe them, since the source is included in the shipped version, you could simply diff a locally compiled version (of the same version) against theirs and see their changes - again, no reverse engineer required.
  • 0
    @configurator for starters, its not hatred for vscode. It's fear of the Microsoft.

    You say, you can diff binary against binary? Like with the diff tool? And have anything useful? Then why forbid RE in the first place? Call me a conspiracy theorist, but if you they have nothing to hide, they wouldn't forbid RE and sniffing.

    In shorter words: I don't trust them. Neither should you. Microsoft is a for profit organization, remember that.
  • 0
    @mt3o you can diff the Javascript source which is what actually runs on your machine. You can also just download the source from GitHub and compile it, then you won't even have to do that.

    If they wanted to steal your data, they'd avoid mentioning it, they wouldn't explicitly say they don't change anything - because they're a for profit organization and wouldn't put themselves in a position to be sued for no reason.
  • 0
    Like that have never been fetching data from your pc behind your back. The license agreement that allows this comes from Microshit not Microsoft. So as Windows with surveillance nearly impossible to turn off.
  • 0
    Now I haven't VSCode before but I think a vim extension would be nice
  • 1
    @simo002m they have vimv extensions
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