
Asked my teacher for help in 10th grade, she came up to my computer, looked at the code, zoomed in to 350%(ctrl+), mentioned that in C# we use upper cased functions names and then disappeared.
Not only the bug was not fixed, I couldn't even execute my code now.

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    That moment when a teacher realizes that one of his/her students knows more than him/her and they don't want to blame themselves and instead of helping they're just saying some shit.

    Last week I asked my teacher for help. He was like "do you want to soil your honor?" coz I'm like the best in our class and he says I'm not allowed to ask questions. So I was sitting there, trying to start that shitty apple PC thingie with windows installed on it and that piece of trash won't fucking boot. And my teacher is like "go fuck yourself" and I'm salty shouting through my whole school and stuff. Got it to start after 15mins btw. And noooo, I'm not retarded and know nothing about PCs. I'm starting my own PC with a screwdriver because I destroyed my power on button. Fuck apple and microshit
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    What a pleb.
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