
My headset died today. Do you think "it's shipping" is a good enough reason to skip Mondays teams meeting or do I need to go find my cheapo spare headset from my attic

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    Anything is a good reason to skip Monday's meet tbh.

    Tell them you have an important errand to run.

    Or your Windows is updating and its stuck. But then you'll be asked to join from phone, hmmm.

    Or your WiFi is acting up with bandwidth. Crap, then u will be expected to join with phone data.

    Tell them that you have a family emergency. But then you'd need to show proof, worst case scenario.

    Or the best, turn off your phone and don't join. When asked why, just tell them that you overslept and didn't realize that your alarm didn't go off, since your phone died.
  • 1
    Do you have a phone or a laptop?
  • 1
    @electrineer I do but I'm trying to find reasons not to join a meeting on mondays lol
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