Wait, why did @kiki delete her last post?

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    @kiki I see, I wanted to make sure it wasn't a case of censorship on our platform.
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    "delete" is a strong word on devRant. more like "unlist" lol
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    @thebiochemic Well, I mean death threats are illegal in most western countries. And pedophilia if actually practiced is even more illegal in all western countries. You can't know if he actually does the latter, but considering his messages if he could/had the option to, he would.
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    @devRantUser1 Kinda? It's based on my looks, yeah. Such a random remark, lol. Why are you asking?
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    Context on "this guy" and what exactly is illegal?
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    @thebiochemic wow, it specifies world view. So telling a flat earther they are stupid is an offense. Seems a bit broad.
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    @Demolishun What???
    I'm sorry what world do you live in where "You're dumb" is a death threat?
    Death threats are illigal in the US too btw...
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    "§ 192a

    Inciting insult

    Anyone who has content (§ 11 paragraph 3) that is likely to attack the human dignity of others by attacking a group or an individual because of their national, racial, religious or ethnic origin, their worldview, their disability or their sexual orientation Anyone who insults someone who belongs to one of these groups, maliciously despises them or slanders them, lets it reach another person who belongs to one of the above-mentioned groups without being asked to do so by that person will be punished with a prison sentence of up to two years or a fine."

    I used google to translate. It says nothing about death threats here.

    Is it a miss translation?

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    @SoldierOfCode I know death threats are generally not legal.
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    @Demolishun Okay, just because law X doesn't say death threats are illegal doesn't mean they're not illegal.
    I'm not a lawyer so I can't give you the exact number/page that says that death threats are illegal, but I've heard of people arrested for death threats both in Europe and US, sooooo.

    But yes, you're correct, I didn't look up the specific law he quoted because it was in german and I assumed it's about that, so I apologize for the passive aggressiveness.
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    @Demolishun Well, he gave death threats so that's the illegal part in this context.
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    @SoldierOfCode eh, I figured I just didn't know something.

    That "dude" was threatening to kill everyone, so I didn't put much stock into it.
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    @SoldierOfCode lol, your perspective of what I said: "Punishing people for death threats seems a bit much." Yes, I can see how that would be an excitable and controversial thing to say.
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    @Demolishun Well, I assumed @thebiochemic was talking about the death threats the guy made, because it was the more extreme part of what he said. So that's why I thought that was the subject of you 2s conversation.
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    @Demolishun a deserved offense is still a offense. but, and that's much more important: it's still deserved.
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    @tosensei I don't get what you mean.
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    I wish somebody cared about me this much
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