Should we fear AI ? What are the pros and the cons ?

  • 6
    We should not fear AI. The thought that an AI would become conscious and evil like in movies is pretty absurd unless it was intentionally built that way.
  • 3
    Pro: it can make our lives easier.
    Con 1: it can make us redundant. (At some point in the not so distant future it will be impossible for a large segment of the population to compete with artificial workers)
    Con 2: Watch terminator.
  • 4
    Pro of fearing AI: we are cautious about what we unleash upon ourselves.

    Con of fearing AI: when it turns out robots are totally nice people you'll be a backwards racist.
  • 1
    @theScientist yes but it's not like it would happen overnight. Do you really think it would escalate so fast that we couldn't just pull the plug?
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    @ItsNotMyFault I actually don't think AI will make us redundant. People said the same thing during the industrial revolution. The Jacquard loom is a good example. We have advanced tremendously since then and we are still not redundant and won't be any time soon.
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    @theScientist Yeah I'm not saying it's impossible. Anything is pretty much possible when it comes to technology. But I don't personally believe it will ever happen.
  • 1
    To quote my prof: 'Who's fault is it when an autonomous car causes a car crash?'
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