

  • 4
    If the post about the killed child was removed, why not this shit as well?
  • 1
    @electrineer cause its a soft yellow cupcake with a hot chocolate topping that i ate
  • 1
    @electrineer you can't escape shit. It is all around us. At your job too. Especially at your job. In the entirety of the corporate world thats the nest and source of all bullshit
  • 1
    Get use to the bullshit @electrineer you cant escape it. It is inevitable. Expect to experience bullshit every day in your life as long as you're in the corporate world
  • 1
    *hits the upvote button as a rebuttal to @electrineer's comment*
  • 4
    No wonder you code like you do,
    how can something good come out if that's what goes in. 😂😂😂

    Next time try eating some solid foods, you might get lucky and write some solid code
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