How does BAs always manage to turn everything into a life story? "It was at this point I realized, no, this is not the way. How could it be that we had done this for so many years? So it's time for a change, and from now on we will never face these challenging times ever again!"

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    What’s a BA?
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    Business Analysts???

    Business Admins???

    Boss Assistants???


    OP I was cringing when I read the quoted sentences. holy crap how can other people write this and not die of cringe themselves??
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    @Lensflare @SidTheITGuy business analyst, and that's a paraphrase of spoken words. But yeah, still...
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    Because part of their job is convincing everyone the ideas they have are worth while enough to make mola and know how to speak lizard brain
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    another fun one is the "meanwhile" redirect.

    "I didn't know what to do. But I'll get back to that in a moment.."

    and they either never do, or they spend another ten minutes talking about some aside.

    or worse "so I hopped on a jet, and spent the weekend on the west coast to think about [big important problem]."

    Yes, I've seen that last one in the wild, and variations of it.
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