
hey guys..me and my friends are starting a project for a desktop application....can you suggest best GUI languages based on your experiences...we are thinking C# or delphi
P.S. we will be new to these languages...will start learning first... we have worked on java, C and C++

  • 4
    Why delphi.....
  • 3
    There are so many options...
  • 1
    You can take a look into DevExpress controls, there is a trial version which you can use for fun.
  • 1
    I would suggest C# or Java with Javafx
  • 0
  • 1

    I have to use it at work (for legacy reasons) and it's the worst IDE ever.

    Prepare yourself for random crashes, Auto completion and code Navigation not working, and if you debug 64bit values of local variables sometimes are not accessible.

    Also the bar with the open files doesnt Scroll and isnt resizeable. Tidious as fuck if you have more than 3 files open.

    And don't get me started about the Pascal language it uses... There is absolutely no actual help on the Internet. Forget StackOverflow, some old German forums is all there is.

    And it forces you to have some kind of Header section in the file were you declare fields and Methods that you want to implement. If you want to quickly rename or change some parameter you have to Scroll All the way up...

    *rant off*
  • 2
    Not delphi for sure. The language is fine, and the environment is fine too really. But if yoi get stuck on something finding support is a pain, the docs are shit and the damned thing costs too much. If you are only targetting microsoft then why not .net? If you want to be used on different platforms try something like Javafx, shit looks nice, works fast and it is not hard to learn. B4J might also be worth looking at if you are into BASIC dialects (I am) and might be the best and simple option for what you have in mind. Really delphi is good, but be wary of the lack of support man.
  • 1
    Since you have experience with C++, why not Qt? Awesome documentation and multiplatform.
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