
What's the point of those frozen fruit bags at the grocery store

They don't taste like anything and they smell of alcohol

Made too much milkshake yesterday and stored half of it in the fridge, now it smells like alcohol... I have no idea if this is safe to drink. Is this just wine?

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    Frozen fruit bags...

    I'm now gonna tell you a few things you probably don't want to hear, but please: No panic.

    First, frozen fruits are meant for immediate consumation.

    If they start smelling smelling like alcohol after a day, it means fermentation with yeast is ongoing.

    Which is usually a sign of bad product qualitity. Cause no... It shouldn't do that, unless your fridge is actually broken / fucked up.

    Now whats true is that - especially if you don't know the origin of the fruits (many countries have no laws regarding declaration of country of origin) - heat them up to 90 ° C for a minute before consumption...

    Imported frozen foods like fruits are known nowadays to be a possible source of diseases like the Novo Virus, Hepatitis A and other funky stuff.

    Small possibility, but still it exists.

    Best is like always: Avoid frozen stuff, get regional / seasonal products and freeze them yourself. Then you don't have that problem.

    PS: I use frozen fruits without heating them... Seldomly. Just as a general heads up - cause fermentation shouldn't start a day after, unless the fermentation already happened during freezing or the product thawed on the way to the super market / the cold chain was broken.

    Which are both signs for concern imho....
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    @IntrusionCM oh I literally just bought it and opened it on the day...
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    @IntrusionCM I know wild monkeys eat fermenting fruit fine. Pretty sure we evolved for it. And birds will literally eat fermenting fruits to get drunk.

    But unpleasant nevertheless 😒

    Guess I'd have to freeze my own fruits...
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    @jestdotty now I have this picture in my head of a bird police officer stopping another bird mid flight.

    Officer bird: How many fermenting fruits did you have, sir?

    Drunk bird: Just one, I swear *hic*
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    First, if they smell like alcohol, they went bad, throw out.

    The point of frozen fruits/berries/veggies is that it greatly extends their shelf life. From days to months. If storebaught go bad, just buy fresh, cut, put in a sealable bag and put in the freezer. It's good especially for people who live alone and cook singular meals, so if you don't want to spend too much time just to cut vegetables/fruits everyday, you can cut them in big batches once in a while, put in the freezer and then use those.
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    Turning into Facebook, stick a picture of your last meal or your cat on here.
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    @helloworld In some cultures, both can be in the same picture.
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    some people are too fucking lazy.

    and kinda stupid.

    'hand crafted apples', premium, honest!

    Fucking tards

    gobbling up dirt cheap throw-away fruit near the end of its lifetime.
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