
Tomorrow starts a new guy in my team (I am TL), but I have never seen him before! 😕

A coworker resigned during the hiring process and has had his last day today and I am overtaking his team because my boss is unable to set up a job profile.

180% of workload and even more new guys arriving (2 more in the next 2 months!)

No salary raise either...


  • 1
    Happy Halloween 😂😂
  • 2
    Seems quite like the best way to halve your team's productivity
    update your cv
  • 0
    180% workload for a 100% salary? How does that work? 🤔
  • 1
    it does simply not @dustypaws

    My boss just says: We'll see how it works, do what you can, and only top prios. But this stresses me a lot (because I have tendencies to be a perfectionist). The most troubles appear on themes which I cannot delegate, then my pile grows and grows without any end in sight.

    And btw I work only 80%
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