
So this key smiles when you open a door and makes a sad face when you try to open a room you don't have acces to.

  • 9
    Tbh, that's a bit creepy ://
  • 6
    Like you wouldn't notice when trying to unlock the door? 🙄
  • 0
    @haabe no, in some doors the key fits but you still cant open it
  • 1
    @jobylie Right, and by not be able to open it I would guess I didn't have access. Maybe I'm too old school here. If the key had an rfid chip or something to remotely unlock the door without actually having to access the lock, I think I would like it. But if it only shows a smiling / frowning face after you try to unlock a lock, I find the usability quite limited.
  • 2
    @haabe the advantage over normal keys is that you can deny people acces even if they have a key. When they want to use it the next morning it will show a sad face. You also can't just copy it that easilly.
  • 1
    @jobylie How does this differ from an RFID key? apart from looking like a key and having a creepy/pointless face on it?
  • 5
    @Ashkin The lock does not need batteries, only the key.
    So its the opposite of RFID.
    Theres electronic contacts on the side of key.

    also, the mechanical key ensures you can mix'n'match mechanical locks, mechanical lock with log, electromechanical locks, and electronic locks.

    mechanical locks might be used in a door where electronic control is not required - for example cleaning cupboard.

    Logging mechanical locks is used where auditability is required, but reliability in the event of electronic failure - for example a padlock in a gate.

    electromechanical locks are used in situations where full control is required. - For example setting schedules when a key should have access. A nice thing with cliq is that you in the lobby can have a "load device" requiring PIN to enable the key for the next 12 hours.

    Electronic-only locks are used for example elevators, but also copiers and such. These does not require the mechanical portion of the key to fit, you just insert it without turning.
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