
Not only is the default password they set a piece of shit, the password field actually shows the password even after you save it, why even bother with security?

Hash your fucking passwords!

The internet kills my insides.

  • 2
    @Alice I hope that's not true, but I have just found out it is. *Cries*. Having a browse around the other accounts now.
  • 2
    You should just invite them all to your own breakfast.... and accept for them too 😁
  • 2
    LastPass ftw
  • 4
    You know what, even if people use hash, things like this happen

    Me: Cool, what kind of hashing do you use for passwords ?

    *Guy who owns a server hosting startup* : I use md5, it's secure

    Me: Are you for real ?

    *md5 guy* : Yep

    Me: :/
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