
Twilio literally broke my integration because I have not logged into its portal for 2 weeks. Got notified by users complaining SMS wasn’t going through.

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    Isn't the point of an auth token that you don't have to log in?
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    Twilio security policies are schizophrenic. The thing works like a charm, but dear god they do everything they can to make it as unpleasant as possible
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    You need to write a script that logs you in every day
  • 6
    @electrineer Sounds like a great idea but the idiots enforces 2fa. I really do not know why they are obsessed with the security thing.
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    @GiddyNaya I'm sure you can find a way to script that one as well
  • 0
    F*ck this kind of things. Like GitHub third party 2FA when you already have GH App 2FA.
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    @jestdotty this has nothing to do with cloud, unless any service or platform provided is now all the sudden "cloud".
  • 1
    @jestdotty I had hope that in this group we dont fall for that kinda marketing bullshit. By that definition we had cloud services way before virtualization or cloud were invented.

    And you also seem to state that any internet service that does not require internal infrastructure or hardware are a bad idea. Was that really what you were trying to say?
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