
Only four things are infinite , The universe, Human stupidity, The no. of functions and properties in CSS and JS, AND WINRAR's TRIAL PERIOD......

  • 2
    You forgot the number of JS frameworks and node modules.
  • 1
    A good one
  • 3
    do you have a moment to talk about our lord and savior, 7zip?
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    @Lensflare yeah actually I was doing basic-css:properties; since last three years, now I will move forward to study this for next 6-7 years i guess
  • 4
    @EnigmaByte something special for you
  • 1
    @codememe oh hell yeah
  • 0
    What's the use case of Extract Here? Just to pollute my downloads folder?

    I always use Extract to folder\.
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    @tosensei your lord and savior is not necessarily mine :-)
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    Thos is what i call bloat.
  • 2
    The worst sin of Windows 11 is the context menu now requires extra work to behave like it had for literally 30 years prior. These kinds of changes really start to feel malicious after a certain point.

    I now either have an additional click or have to hold shift to tell 7zip to extract to a subfolder instead of dumping everything here. Forgetting that means this neatly organized folder is now filled with a hundred unrelated files I have to sift through and delete. And God forbid you have a subfolder that was named the same as an extracted folder. You'll be at this cleanup mess for an hour.
  • 0
    @cuddlyogre have you heard of our lord and savior nanazip?
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