
I can't believe that this platform is still not dead!! Aren't the devs ranting on X more?

  • 9
    professionals have standards
  • 0
    @jestdotty I literally logged in after 3-4 years, but the engagement thing is perhaps working 😅
  • 4
    What word are we supposed to fill X with?
  • 1
    @electrineer Thats a good start you are having right there with social media detoxification 😁
  • 8
    nobody with more than two brain cells left is on twitter.

    and nobody with more than one brain cell left calls it "X"
  • 0

    twitter -> shitter -> xitter?
  • 2
    @ostream it's the letter between "W" and "Y"
  • 0
    X - you mean that operating based on BSD that Steve Jobs conceived as a replacement for MacOS classic?

    Or x.com, the payment platform that should have become a PayPal+Ebay monopoly to rule them all (but it didn't) - conceived by the same madman that took over Twitter recently?

    Or do you mean x.org that open-source Windows replacement obsoleted by Wayland?
  • 1
    True chads rant on Mastodon/Pleroma/whatever with #devrant hashtag. 😁

    ( No, seriously, try it. It's steadily getting some reach - now also with the help of https://kbin.melroy.org/m/drbboard/... )
  • 1
    Twitter is shit
  • 1

    Been there since 2017, it is great
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