
What linux distro do you run on your workstation and why did you chose it?

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    Debian. It just runs.
    Never had any real troubles with it and it's reasonable small, without all the bloated shit many other distros have.
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    mint or debian because i dont know they work well or sth
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    ElementaryOS. Functionality wise I hate it but it looks pretty out of the box and was the smoothest installation on my XPS 15 (tried Debian and Ubuntu before, but they gave problems with iGPU/dGPU). I might try fedora since it is charming me.

    Don't care much about functionality loss in eOS because I mainly use a Linux partition to double-check Linux compatibility with my work.
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    @Snatched i used elementary too, cause looks real nice😁
    But had some issues with it, so i switched to fedora and even if the ui isnt as beautiful it was a good choice
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    @Snatched no issues with Ubuntu on my xps 9560. :D
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    @balte teach me senpai.

    If I'd use the dGPU there were no issues, the moment I force him to use iGPU I can't shutdown correctly. I have been trying to fix that for ages and gave up in the end. The thing is I don't understand how eOS gives no issues since it is based on Ubuntu...
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    @Linux hat to look it up, but looks really interesting !
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    It is basically Debian with Openbox DE that works out of the box :)
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    Arch Linux, rolling releases, install everything from scratch, amazing AUR packages for pretty much anything, all that good stuff.

    Pretty good way to learn more also.

    Last night I was able to make a triple display with onboards graphic plus nvidia card work!
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    Mostly Gentoo or Slackware...

    I do have an eye on Solus though, but am waiting for it to mature a bit more, before considering it for a work station.

    Gentoo for when I need to stupidly fine tune and adjust something.

    Slackware for everything else, because it never does anything unexpected and it's generally a bliss to compile something on.

    Aside from Linux, I lean towards freebsd for much of the same reasons as Slackware.
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    Debian in VM, because I know apt and it has decent packages.
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    I just recently changed my laptop to Ubuntu. After a few minor adjustments it runs great✌️
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    Mint or Antergos
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    Ubuntu, I just want to get shit done and not worry about tweaking stuff.
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    @MrJimmy not really issues, but some customisation options are not upfront accessible and need more twerking around than I would like if you compare it to other distro. Let's say it is a dumbed down distro for the generic user (kinda OSXish in everything) but you can add back anything you need since it is linux after all (I'm not super into Linux but I managed to add anything I could need and unlock any options I wanted in a hour or so from install). Appstore is shit if you compare it to more established distros like OG Ubuntu, I'd suggest doing everything by terminal.

    Tldr you get macOS and to get full potential you need some tweaking

    Literally first world problems because I wanted to customize themes/icons and I had to do couple extra steps if compared to other distros I tried
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    Kali Linux because reasons
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    I've been using bunsenlabs, since it's Debian, so it just works. Let's be honest, it also sounds cool. Having a distro named after molecules? Yes please.
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    @Snatched really? I run the propietary Nvidia driver (because Nouveau is fucked when it comes to laptops) and have it switched to the igpu all the time.
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    @balte precisely the same thing I did. I don't really know, googling for it makes it look pretty random...
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    @Snatched hmm that's really kind of weird then!
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