Between Java and Python which one dominate

  • 2
  • 5
    What is this? The special olympics for programming languages?
  • 1
    Who gives a shit
  • 2
    They are mostly used for so different purposes they the question is irrelevant.

    Water dominates over petrol in firefighting cases but petrol dominates as fuel for cars :P

    (The obligatory car analogy)
  • 1
    Most of the other comments are completely right.

    But if you are asking "which one will help me get more job offers", you should put both on your curriculum... and a few more.
    -With both, you will significantly SEO your linkedin profile.
    -With just Java, you will be bombarded with recruiters wanting for a javaSCRIPT dev, and they don't know the difference.
    -With just Python, you will have a hard time convincing the company devs that you actually know the language and didn't just watched a "Python from zero to hero in 5mins" video on YouTube.
    -With just Java&Python, a dev that looks at your profile may think it was bot-generated, and poorly.

    So you need both those languages and a few more. Bash, SQL, RUST, Scala, C++, PHP, whatever. But at least a couple more.
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