Every project/update

  • 0
    Who the hell can write 260 lines of code per hour?
  • 1
    @xroad It's not tooo hard if you're starting from 0... If you're developing for web you'll probably write even more...
  • 0
    @P3t3r6 you're saying it's possible to type over 4 lines of code a second?? I wouldn't even be able to type gibberish that fast.
  • 0
    @xroad that would actually be 4 lines of code per minute which is very doable
  • 1
    @armadillo I stand correct. Stupid math.

    But even 4 lines a minute seems improbable IMO. Has anyone here ever coded that fast?
  • 0
    @xroad if you use some sort of autocomplete you can can write like dozens of lines in under a minute, but I digress xP that probably wouldn't be considered "writing" them
  • 1
    @armadillo as @p3t3r6 noted it can be done on web projects that are started from scratch.

    Speaking from personal experience, working with react-native on mobile devices it is very easy to do

    But I would agree with you that on native apps this rate would be very hard to achieve if not impossible without significant errors 🙌
  • 0
    its less than 5 lines per minute.

    I just did 2 on my phone in 20 seconds
  • 1
    @iceman but can you write useable code at that speed? You can log things all day long, doesn't mean you're being productive
  • 2
    I'm with @xroad on this one!

    Speed and number of lines of code mean nothing. If you're not producing good, maintainable code, ultimately you are wasting time by doing 200+ lines per hour... and for that shouldn't be allowed near the good coffee either!

    Also notice how the graph drops as it moves along in time. That's everyone trying to make sense of the mess they made when it was going at 200 lines/hour... and hopefully trying to clean it! So really, it's all very counterintuitive going at such a rapid rate.
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