
without exception - everyone I know who writes code and thinks ChatGPT is overhyped - thinks 3.5 is what ChatGPT is.

literally like concluding “aws is overhyped” bc free tier sucks.

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    aws is overhyped though. It's supposed to he a tool for a certain category of problems and not the solution to everything.
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    even if your response actually was relevant to my point, I’m sorry but what other cloud infrastructure company lets you use an API endpoint to deploy a Mission Control centre? https://aws.amazon.com/ground-stati...
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    @itay i'm saying not everything needs to be on the cloud.
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    @thebiochemic don’t fully agree. some things like satellites need to be well above the cloud and moving sideways reallllllly quickly. i suppose it would be cool to not have to set up shops all over the globe to talk to your satellites. maybe even awesome if that could be done through an API

    Also a fully loaded AWS snowmobile beats “the cloud” by several orders of magnitude on coast-to-coast data transfers and can be configured to be explosive resistant.

    AWS is a bit more than EC2 and Redshift
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    @itay sure, whatever
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    @thebiochemic just some fanta banter, though maybe I went too far and came across as a dick.

    I am actually curious though, why do you think AWS is overhyped?
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    @itay don't worry, i survived worse on this platform.

    As i said, not every software problem needs to be solved with AWS. Cloud infrastructure only shines with problems that are global in scale. If some company wants to put up their dinky service, that will have a handful of users, they will easily get away with their stuff running on a simple server. No need to drown in yaml configs for shit like that.

    So far i haven't had even a single piece of software that went on the cloud, where it was justified. Not a single one.
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    @itay "but what other cloud infrastructure company lets you use an API endpoint to deploy a Mission Control centre?" - all of them?

    that being said:

    1) the clouds in general is overhyped. unless your idea of the perfect internet is "control over all your data, services, infrastructure is in the hands of a few giant corporations that are known for screwing over their customers on a regular basis"

    2) have you seen the _interface_ of AWS? it's garbage. it's cancer. it's like it was DESIGNED to suck all the life out of you"
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    @thebiochemic I think I get what your saying — is it that most devops could be done with a simple docker compose file (or equivalent) on a bare metal server, instead of rushing to build a labyrinth of AWS services and slapping a “Infrastructure” label on it?
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    @tosensei no disagreements there, AWS docs distinctly read more like legalese than API docs, but my OP was about GPT 3.5 vs 4, the latter of which only a year ago, reached top HN because it could sort of pretend to be a Linux VM. Cool fun toy, and many devs still think it’s a fancier version of cool fun toy.

    ChatGPT w/ GPT-4 is an indispensable dev tool is my point.
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    @itay "indispensable"? no. by far not.

    "sometimes" useful - but much less so than, for example, a second screen.
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    @itay i wouldn't call it indispensable.
    As long as you can't exactly trace, what the source of whatever the AI said is, i'd call it a liability.
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    If you think it sucks just throw money at a problem we swear it won't suck then?

    Sounds like you'll be upper management at some point
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    @jestdotty I’d like to see you call up your ISP now and tell them you’re finished with throwing money at the “internet connectivity” problem. Sell your dev machine too, your public libraries computer will work just fine. Spending money on critical services when free options exist is so upper management!
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    @jestdotty I think you’re the one who isn’t getting it. You are paying for these services when free alternatives exist. I’m suggesting maybe the paid alternatives might be worth your money? I don’t care either way, but I thought you should know your sound argument for why my point is pathological in nature, and is a representation of who I am, really opened my mind up, cheers m80!
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