
ChatGPT is Stack Overflow, but faster and without all the toxicity.

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    ChatGPT is Stack Overflow, but the entity linking you to the already existing Stack Overflow question is not a human.
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    ChatGPT is Stack Overflow, but with a whopping 13% accuracy
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    It likely stole a lot of its code from there, so yeah.
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    Not really
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    @aviophille but that requires good docs, github issues being answered and source code not being spaghetti
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    @aviophille > "Do you guys really use stack overflow that much?"

    There are frustrating times I resort to SO. Had a Microsoft MSFT (it was in his name) respond to my question "what is the service doing?"


    If I responded, 100% guarantee it would have led to

    "Why do you need a service to do that? Use this Azure service to do it instead. You're welcome." or worse "I can only help if you post the code or a link to your github repo" and 100 other MSFT morons upvoting the answer which has *N O T H I N G* to do with the problem I'm having.
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    @netikras so better than stack overflows accuracy.
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    The beauty of ChatGPT and its ilk is that you can ask as many "stupid" follow-up questions as you need to without fear, because everyone has holes in their knowledge.

    You may be asking the most complex question imaginable because you're a rock star, but the solution it gives you might contain some language feature you've just never encountered, maybe some function call you've never seen before, and it's nice to be able to ask "hey, what the hell is that?" without risking being attacked for not knowing something "obvious".

    Being able to go off on tangents without worrying about toxic people hammering you over the head for not knowing every last little detail about everything is fantastic for everyone of all skill levels and makes these things worth using regardless of any negatives they may have.
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    @lungdart I'm afraid not. One thing that ChatGPT excels at IMO is digesting my specific question and spitting out related keywords I could use to look the solution up.
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    ChatGPT is Stack Overflow, but without the need for upvotes that make your questions look dumb
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    @aviophille somewhat frequently when i can't remember the exact syntax for reading a file or something like that i'll google it and end up on SO to see an example. it's never actually useful in a situation where i genuinely need help though.
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    Fuck ChatGPT and Fuck AI.
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    @fzammetti Sometimes it does just guess though and tell you to use a module or feature that straight does not exist
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    faster but less accurate and the toxicity is simply hidden more subtly in form of perpetuated biases;

    SO got 2 things right: SEO and not lying about being toxic, although they prefer to call it elitist
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    @TheBeardedOne Agreed. I think it's better for experienced developers who can spot the mistakes. I've definitely encountered some. But the benefits seem to outweigh the costs, as long as you don't treat the answers as gospel and have the existing knowledge to do so.
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