Big Impact, Small Size: How Small Language Models Are Changing AI
While the tech giants are investing heavily in creating large language models (LLMs) that require massive computational power and financial investment, there is a growing interest in small language models (SLMs). They offer a more sustainable and accessible approach to AI, capable of operating efficiently on less powerful devices like smartphones and tablets.

Defining Small Language Models
Small language models challenge the idea that “bigger is always better” in the world of natural language processing. Unlike LLMs like GPT-4 or Gemini Advanced consist of hundreds of billions of parameters, SLMs work with significantly fewer, they are designed to be lightweight — ranging from millions to a few billion parameters.

  • 3
    yeah when I looked into all this making them bigger isn't gonna make them better. that's like brute forcing

    in reality there's a lot of algorithmic improvements you could be making. but they haven't thought of those yet

    they're just throwing hardware at the problem when the actual problem is that the software clearly could've been better designed
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