
LinkedIn suggesting me to connect to, based in my profile, as they say, a person who is an Astrology Professional.

I am a developer, and I only add developers.

LinkedIn, go home, you're drunk.

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    "Astrology Professional"... have we gone beyond the event horizon for the collapse of society? Are we just waiting for the universe to implode?

    I would connect to an "Astronomy Professional" though. They probably have need of database work. Also, they have cool toys that are run by computers.
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    Is this astrology professional looking for devs? Not that I would want to join….lol
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    @Demolishun astrology prof, islamic scholars that say when ramadan is... it's all the same. Either they are fakes or oracles.
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    LinkedIn started spamming me a few weeks ago with suggesting i get a job... it's results are searching based on my current position:

    We found X new postings for Owner this week.

    LinkedIn has been phoning shit in for awhile now. I kinda wonder if they r doing it on purpose so they can fix it and claim it's some magic AI solution... by just using basic tactics after they annoyed everyone for months.
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    @awesomeest I don't think its all fake. The magi from the middle witnessed a conjunction of planets that seemed pretty important. A friend of mine tracked down the celestial events they would have witnessed both in the middle east and in Bethlehem. It occurred twice. It just doesn't seem relevant to software.
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    @Demolishun oh im not saying they/it is all fake. Just the 2 catagories.
    For future ref, i think of basically everything the same way as i do religion. do i think its all valid/real? Ofc not. im agnostic. I think atheists are the true fools. The believers latch onto *something* they think/want to believe is real, whether it is or isn't is currently impossible to prove. But atheists? They directly say those things certainly dont exist. That's just straight up illogical since it cant be proven either way.

    Until there's some near tangible logic to gauge these things, i just observe. If nothing comes in my lifetime either, then I'll either know the truth after death or wont be thinking/existing in any form anyway.

    Btw, i was raised/schooled in roman catholic... even an altar server for years (if you knew me irl youd find that image hilarious). Even as a kid i checked multiple sources for answers. I caused issues in 1st grade by comparing answers which pitted 2 priests against eachother.
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    I long for the day I finally delete that piece of shit app
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    @shovethisrant I deleted my account. I will another if I want one. It was just a cesspool of spammers and data collectors.
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    I never had a LinkedIn account. Is it useful for anything good?
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    @lastNick connecting with eccentric rich people and/or people in powerful positions... but im pretty sure that's more of a me thing. I like using LinkedIn to toy with morons claiming their "opinion" is right because they think it is... people have forgotten that there's still a difference between an opinion and a valid opinion. I catch up on some necessary topics and professionally trash talk against invalid opinions.
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