
My sleep times are fucked.
I don't even know how to fix them anymore.

  • 6
    Usually it consists of regular nightly activities to pass out from, a good routine will fix that.

    Now, get on with it.
  • 8
    Try forcing yourself to go to bed & wake up at constant times..
    I know it feels counterproductive to try & go to sleep at 23:00 even if you're not sleepy & waking up at 6:00 when you're tired still.
    After some time your body will adjust to new sleep schedule.
    Try meditation or some form of relaxing muscle excercises before going to sleep and when you wake up do some excercises to speed up the blood flow.

    It won't happen overnight, but if you set up a routine & stick to it, it should get better over time.
  • 2
    As @sladuled said, it is not going to happen overnight. Make it a habit and you will feel how good it is
  • 2
    I like how y'all thought that I haven't done the basic stuff you find as top 5 on a Google search. πŸ™„
  • 3
    @NoMad πŸ‘€mine was in the top 5? Damn, I'm getting bad at this.
  • 7
    Recent medical studies found butt pain to be a frequent cause of sleeping issues. Increasing the amount of lube was found a promising approach - to be confirmed via more in-depth research.
  • 4
    @Fast-Nop I wish I was having the kind of butt pain that could be fixed with lubes. πŸ˜› My life is a pain in the arse and no amount of lube can fix that. Like, a level of constant anxiety that I'm sure would make any hairy gorilla go fully bald.
  • 4
    Make yourself tired. Do something.. tiry.
  • 5
    Same, even though I work out every single day, eat healthily, read, and meditate - I have become susceptible to anxiety (which leads to bad sleep habits). The problem started ever since working from home and not going out to the bars.
  • 6
    @Cyanide what about a street fight ?
  • 2
    Raspberry Leaf tea
  • 3
    I’ve been trying to get some sun exposure before 10 just to remind my body this is the morning time.

    Problem is

    The sun makes me sleepy 😴
  • 0
    @C0D4 What kind of routines?
  • 1
    Judging from the textmote this is a NoMad post.
    Aaaaand I'm right.
  • 2
    Well, go to sleep NOW!
    And do the same thing tomorrow!
    Rinse and repeat!
  • 0
    @spantheslayer What about a homely sex?
  • 1
    @Cyanide what if you're lonely af
  • 1
    @spantheslayer What if you are playing hard-to-get but you know you want it too?
  • 0
    @spantheslayer What if you assumed that I was talking about doing it with you?
  • 3
    Just accept it's how it is and don't worry about it. That's my take on it and I'm mostly enjoying it. Outdoors is nice at night too.
  • 1
    @NoMad Any better?
  • 1
    @Fast-Nop not really. I didn't sleep Friday night hoping to fix it. So we shall see. I'm gonna try to go to sleep sooner in days to come, as well hopefully with the daylight saving kicking in it gets automatically better.
  • 4
    I hate daylight savings time changes! Like if we need more confusing crap in our lives!
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