
4 words fixed my 5 hours of debugging. 2 words if you don't count (== and 2)

  • 1
    I feel you bru. Since I started dropping cSpell into every project my debugging time has more than halved.
  • 0
    You know the joke with the old engineer and the piece of chalk, don't you?
  • 0
    Your name is my answer.
  • 1
    @minsomai A retired engineer is called in to his former company because a large and complex machine failed. He poked around a bit, then used a piece of chalk to put a cross on a certain part that needed to be replaced. The company asked him to write a bill.

    So he did: $10000. The finance department found that confusing and asked him to break down the bill into individual posts. The improved bill was, $1: a piece of chalk, $9999: knowing where to put the chalk cross.
  • 2
    I've heard this one, but instead of chalk, it was a hammer.
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