
I'm fucking tired of my computer having random
2 seconds latency on any basic action and being slow as fuck regardless of powerful processor, ssd and 32GB RAM. Music via bluetooth is basically unusable since every few seconds the music stops for a 0.2s then plays again. I installed this system (opensuse tumbleweed) in February this year and it's just sad that I have reinstall again (any ideas for distro) ?

I made a dummy mistake of buying a CPU without internal graphics and this resulted in having to buy a GPU. So I got myself Nvidia(another mistake) since i though i would be using CUDA on the university. Turnes out CUDA cannot be installed for some retarded reason.
With Nvidia GPU the screens on my two monitors are swapping every time I use a hdmi switch to use other computer. On AMD GPU this problem does not exist. AMD GPU pro drivers are impossible to install. Computers barely fucking work, change my mind. Shit is breaking all the time. Everything is so half assed.

The music player that i use sometimes swaps ui with whatever was below it like for example the desktop background and i need to kill the process and start again to use the program. WTF.

Bluetooth seems to hate me. I check the bluetooth connected devices on my computer, it says headphones connected. BULLSHIT. The headphones are fucking turned OFF. How the fuck can they be connected you dumbass motherfucker computer. So I turn on the headphones. And I cannot connect them since the system thinks that they are already connected. So I have to unpair them and pair them again. WTF. Who fucking invents this bullshit?
Let's say i have headphones connected to the computer. I want to connect them to phone. I click connect from the phone settings. Nothing happens. Bullshit non telling error "could not connect". So I have to unpair from computer to pair to phone. Which takes fucking minutes, because reasons. VERY fucking convenient technology.
The stupid bluetooth headphones have a loud EARRAPE voice when turning them on "POWER ON!!! PAIRING", "CONNECTED", "DISCONNECT". Loudness of this cannot be modified. The 3 navigation buttons are fucking unrecognizable so i always take few seconds to make sure i click the correct button.

Fucking keyboard sometimes forgets that I remapped esc key to caps lock and then both keys don't work so i need to reconnect the keyboard cable. At least it's not fucking bluetooth.

The only reason why hdmi switches exist is because monitor's navigation menus have terrible ui and/or infrared activated, non-mechanical buttons.
Imagine the world where monitors have a button for each of it's inputs. I click hdmi button it switches it's input to hdmi. I click display port button - it switches to display port. But nooo, you have to go through the OSD menu.

My ~ directory has hundred of files that I never put there. Doesn't feel like home, more like a crackhead crib.

My other laptop (also tumbleweed) I click on hibernate option and it shuts down. WTF. Or sometimes I open the lid and screen is black and when i click keyboard nothing happens so i have to hold power button and restart.

We've been having computers for 20 + years and they still are slow, unreliable and barely working.

Is there a cure? I'm starting to think the reason why everything is working so shitty and unreliable, is because the foundations are rotten. The systems that we use are built with c, ridden with cryptic abbreviated code, undefined behavior and security vulnerabilities. The more I've written c programs the more convinced I am, that we should have abandoned it for something better long ago. Why haven't we? And honestly what would be better? Everything fucking sucks. The rust seems to be light in the tunnel but I don't know if this is only hype or is it really better. I'm sure it can't be worse than c or c++. Either we do something with the foundations or we're doomed.

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    But it's better than Windows... right?
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    Nice rant. Maybe it's just your OS that sucks. Who uses opensuse anyway? (x)ubuntu ftw

    Edit: phew, just on time to fix the typo
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    @retoor this is fedora hood boi 🔪🔪🔪
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    @azuredivay I've heard that fedora is for men who like men
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    @azuredivay BTW, someone will post "I use Arch BTW".
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    @retoor I experimented with Fedora back in the day, but it was not for me.
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    You must have messed w/ your distro.
    @retoor bully 😂
    @Demolishun "I use Arch BTW"
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    Ok. I'm drunk so no responsibilities here.

    A lot ... No.... More like 90 % of problems with Linux AND Windows are from drivers.

    Linux suffers just exponentially more, as most vendors don't care for Linux.

    If you want to know more, e.g. look at the USB workarounds in Linux.

    Most are specific to e.g. a USB ID.

    Firmware is another topic which is just... Irks.

    Nvidia cards e.g. are mostly unusable or very restricted, simply because the firmware is restricted. For a vendor - great. For open source - dooms day.

    Bluetooth is a firmware mess par excellence, WiFi too.

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    Modern computers are "slow, unreliable and barely working" ?
    Nope, my 13yo PC was originally on XP, now Windows 10, got it more RAM and a new CPU a few years back, works really well all the time. Easy. Office laptop is much newer and also great. Really, really fine.
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    sounds like a hard drive issue tbh.
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    as you describe your setup, i just think, that has probably nothing to do with the operating system (however, i have ubuntu 22 with budgie). I have a very comparable setup and no problems. but as mentioned, if you have a ssd/hdd that has high latency, it will freeze your system whenever its reading from it, no matter if its linux or windows. Really just check your drives (maybe they go in some sort of energy saving state?)
    all peripherals work without any problems for me. I got a new keyboard recently, everything works including changing rgb shit. got a dj controller, opened mixxx, works out of the box. idk man.
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    I wouldn't expect Tumbleweed to be stable and work correctly, its essentially the dev branch of openSUSE.

    I would wipe your install and switch to LEAP.

    If that would without a backup require you losing your crackden home dir consider it a potential opportunity to start fresh.

    Although I would keep my /home on a separate partition then I can distro hop and keep my files.
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    @MANICX100 So he basically need to take a Leap of faith.
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    Never had such problems.

    I use Arch BTW
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    Sounds like an I/O HW issue or a virus tbh
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    I also have Bluetooth issues every now and then where I have to unpair and pair again to make it work. But it doesn't seem to be the OS's fault, because it happens both on Linux and Windows. Maybe I am using a shitty device, or maybe Bluetooth itself is a shitty protocol...
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    Here’s the deal: Buy the following
    1. Mac (or MacBook) with good configuration
    2. Get AirPods ( as they swiftly connect between devices without the need to unpair first )
    3. Get an iPhone
    4. Get a nice keyboard that works
    5. Get a nice set of monitors. I use Samsung. Those guys are great with displays. You call go “Hey bixby, switch to HDMI” and it works. I switch between XBox and MacBook all the time.

    Don’t get me wrong — many of the problems will exist, and there will be some new problems (fuck MacOS window management and shortcuts and font rendering), but you’ll hate it less that others.
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    Seems to me like some process is entering to D state for ~2 seconds and freezing your ui. Find it with ps aux running in a loop.
    Gpu issues - well.. That sucks.

    Another laptop - acpi issues? Classic. Plenty of fixes online
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    step 0: get a shitton of money, because youll need it for all following steps.
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    Some of the answers here muse me.

    Yes some linux distributions have better defaults for hardware....

    But unless the kernel version dramatically differs, it's the same engine underneath.

    If the devices are non compliant to Linux, they will be - no matter how much you hop the distributions.

    Changing to the colorful animation epileptic seizure called Apple doesn't "fix" that. It is a complete change in hardware, going straight to a vendor lock in and will make your problem worse... Cause now you have zero chance to have alternative hardware if the hardware doesn't have the features you want.

    That's Apple. A wonderful xenophobic garden.

    Posting a bunch of things that might have worked for someone isn't helpful either.

    Again - if the hardware is not supported or the firmware / driver isn't available under Linux, you have got a piece of useless rare earth metals that had cost more than it was worth.

    Nothing's gonna change that, unless you write / reverse engineer the hardware and implement it in Linux.... Which might be impossible, as some vendors e.g. have closed their firmware access cryptographically.
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    Hello there! I can feel that it's frustrating when powerful hardware and software fail to deliver reliable performance. Technology is constantly evolving, but there will always be room for improvement. Advocating for change and exploring alternative solutions, such as different Linux distributions, may help address some of the issues. While progress can feel slow, advancements are being made to create more stable and user-friendly systems. Additionally, for Mac users, understanding how to use FTP can be beneficial for transferring files securely between computers. For detailed guidelines on FTP usage on Mac, check out this useful resource: https://setapp.com/how-to/... to learn how to use FTP on Mac. It also explained how FTP works and what are its benefits. Anyway, it's important to remember that no system is perfect, but providing feedback can help shape the future of technology.
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