
Fun fact: WASD keys are actually named after their directions
W — Wupwards
A — Am going left
S — South
D — Definitely right

  • 3
    did you know that before IJKL was the popular choice
  • 11
    I — I think up
    J — Just about left
    K — K. O., you’re down
    L — Later, I’m going right
  • 9
    I remember a time when PC first started to get fighting games with dual player support.

    Player 1 would get WASD (movement) and IJKL (Attacks) controls

    Player 2 would get Up Down Left Right (movement) and 8456 on the number keypad (Attacks) controls.

    Back when gaming legit used to be fun.
  • 3
    @Sid2006 my brother and I used to play Mugen like that.
  • 2
    @gagan-suie MUGEN
    memory unlocked
  • 0
    Arrow keys actually have names too

    ↑—↑ look up, bitch
    ←—←that dude has no teeth left
    ↓—↓write down that I laid your mother right here
    →—→is everything alright, you look oddly straight today
  • 1
    What about vim cursor keys, hjkl?
  • 2
    @Sid2006 yeah and then the pc would start beeping and ignoring inputs because too many keys pressed simultaneously 😂
  • 3
    @Lensflare In the mugen times keyboards were mostly ps/2, and that meant NKRO
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