
I love how all foreign people around this floating piece of shithole rock in the middle of nothingness always get flabbergasted when i tell them i earn $3.75 an hour as a software engineer with computer science degree. Trust me I'm flabbergasted beyond you

Garbage collector, toilet shit cleaner, waiter, barber, mcdonalds worker, all of them earn way more than me, as a software engineer with computer science degree

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    how much is your rent though? Or how much does bread cost? I'm really asking, so I can check the earnings vs expenses ratio for your place
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    Toilet shit cleaner is the perfect job for you. If they earn more than software developers I would definitely go for it.
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    @cafecortado i do clean my shit up after every shit i shit. Might as well get paid for cleaning all the shit behind
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    @Hazarth varies every month but bread is around $0.5
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    @Hazarth no rent i live with my parents so we can take all the money to afford to buy food pay bills and other shits. Going to the store to buy food once is a minimal expense of $100. Thats 1/6 of my salary which lasts for about 3-4 days
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    0.5!!!! Here they are $5-$6!!!

    With rent of 1200 USD.
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    Are you fat? How can you alone eat for 100 bucks over there?
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    @Linux 200 loaves of bread in a week. lol
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    @Linux Lol i dont eat $100 all alone. Its split among my family and me
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    @Linux rent here is like no less than 350$. And keeps raising due to inflation
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    @Linux im actually normal sized not fat at all
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    You wanna talk about me then go ahead and talk about me.

    Now regarding your perspective, i think it's a shitty one cuz you mentioned garbage collectors, toilet cleaners and McDonald's workers. You didn't say anything about policemen, teachers or firefighters salaries even though they too are the professions that earn more than you.

    You think these garbage collectors are below you is it? You think you are better than these people or something?

    Tell ya what pal, I've known so many people like you that have this sense of superiority and they end up where they are all their life.

    If you didn't end up where you wanted to be, maybe it's a signal to you to end this career cuz clearly you can't make anything out of it.

    Maybe you should try being a toilet cleaner, like for real and see how you get treated by people who are exactly like you.
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    And speaking of software developers, if you can't get this fact straight this is an ultra competitive career, then I gotta tell ya you dumb as hell.

    Maybe you making $3.75 an hour is a testament to what portion of the market you were able to grab with your skills.

    Most of the acquaintances I speak to, are crazy for a position like yours at $3.75 an hour and would happily take your job to replace you, hell they would work at even lower rates.
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    @b2plane Yeah, here bread is 0.99€ ($1.08) cheapest, usually 1,30€ - 3,30€ ($1.42 - $3.62) high value would be for a full loaf of a freshly baked quality bread from a good bakery. Low value is like a decent supermarket bread

    Average medior programmer job here is like 11€/hr so about 11 cheap breads an hour, or about 6 average breads an hour. This could move a bit, maybe from like 8€/hr to 14€/hr... more senior programmers or higher positions can go higher easily

    I don't know if $0.50 is your cheap price or average price, but it's about 7.5 this bread an hour.

    If it's the cheap stuff, then you're a bit behind, but it's not poverty level or anything. If it's the price for average quality bread, then the pay seems pretty standard when compared to my country (Slovakia).
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    @SidTheITGuy the biggest thing against him for getting a better job was lack of experience. Then he quit that dev job giving him experience. So now he is not building his resume. This is why people are hesitant to hire people without experience. They just quit after a few months.
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    @Demolishun Gaps in career or lack of experience is forgivable in my opinion.

    But this false sense of superiority that he sees himself as above garbage collectors or McDonald's workers just isn't excusable.
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    @SidTheITGuy to be fair, garbage collectors and mc donalds workers don’t need a degree for their work. And what does one get a degree for if not for a better job with better salary?

    On the other hand, a degree doesn’t automatically and magically guarantee a job, so…
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    @Demolishun i have no motivation to work like a slave for below minimum wage while the company earns multi millions of dollars every month. That is NOT moral. Legal but immoral. Id rather learn on my own way
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    @Demolishun a software engineer who sacrificed their whole life to study shool and get a computer science degree which is SO hard, deserves to earn beyond average wage worldwide even if it's a junior position. By that i mean no less than 1000$ a month. Even that is pathetic because imagine you earn that much in america or want to buy a 30k$ car etc?
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    @b2plane nah, you still got other benefits as a programmer besides salary. Nice online communities, your body won't be destroyed like in e.g. construction, people consider you smart, it's a hobby without limits, constant brain training. You'll grow old 'healthy'. But again, maybe step up your game and go industrial or smth
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    @Lensflare actually, if you're working longer than 90 days and more than 13hr per week MC Donald's pays your education 😁 I think it's kinda for school dropouts btw. It won't be a CS education
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    @Lensflare True but realistically you don't even need a degree these days to start out as a software engineer.

    Do a 15-day coding bootcamp, watch a couple of Dorian Develops videos and start calling yourself a freelancer. There you go. If things work out maybe FAANG companies will see you as "special" developers and hire you.
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    @SidTheITGuy yeah I know.
    Personally I think that passion and dedication is worth more than a degree.
    But in our world, you get a degree to get a better job. So, it’s justified to see some jobs as "higher" than others.
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    @SidTheITGuy ah fack. I'm sure that's @ostream is Dorian. #vroem

    But seriously, talking about financial independence and stuff. You watch that shit?

    This is how my hero looks like (especially for you PHP episode): https://youtu.be/Yi6NxMxCFY8. He can crush that Dorian dude with his pinky. He programs all; C, C++, Rust, JS, Python, Ocaml, C. He's my favorite code buddy but he doesn't know
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    @ostream I'll spoon-feed you: Dorian Develops. I think you're like that
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    @ostream how many?
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