
I swear why is it always the loudly calling people going into the silent coupe while the rest of the train is literally completely empty. How can you be so smooth brained that you can't read the huge ass sign on the window where it says "SILENT". Nothing can make me more angry

  • 7
    This post is the most Dutch thing in dem world. Yeah, there are no bigger problems than this
  • 1
    @retoor Haha ikr, thankfully noise cancelling headphones were invented
  • 1
    you guys gave a silent coupe? wont recommend you our trains then... or at all, but you can still get from A -> B ( in most of the cases ) with them though, you just don't know when exactly ;)
  • 0
    Lol you think YOUR trains are loud? Tell me about the crackhead fist fights then we can talk.
  • 1
    Its funny, I noticed it's usually the tourists that simply don't know it's happening. They just see empty seats.

    Come on it's not like they put a huge silence red indicator on the door, or the head rest. They put a subtle one on the windows. (With the new design it's an icon that looks more like decoration than anything else)
    Well guess what, noisy tourists generally don't look out of the windows because they're too busy talking to people 😂

    I just gave up after 10 years and don't go into the silence areas anymore, I'm way less irritable that way because I expect some noise.

    It's really the NSes fault at this point.
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