
Rant 1

I have so much shit to talk about and its annoying to wait 2+ hours between each rant just to rant so ill start off by ranting about not being able to rant as often as i want to rant

Rant 2

What is ORM doing under the hood if it makes the queries so much slower than compared to writing raw sql?

Rant 3
Im thinking of creating more accounts just to be able to say what i want to say without waiting these dumbass 2+ hours. Who tf even made that and thought it was a good idea. Ur not saving ur bandwidth storage by making devs wait to rsnt bro itll be the same shit

Rant 4
Now by writing 3 rants in a row i forgot what i wanted to rant about more and its an enitrely different topic so ill rant about not remembering what i wanted to rant about because of devrants dumbass 2+ hour wait logic

Rant 5
Wow this new york company looking for senior devops dev requires a lot less shit to know compared to the saudi arabian shithole company for the exact same position. But how do i learn all of what they require fast so i can apply for this position since the recruiter has contacted me

  • 4
    please don't create more than one account
  • 1
  • 5
    The man’s got too much time on the throne 🚽
  • 5
    Rant 5: get hired first, then learn
  • 1
    Come to discord you can shit-post as much as you want
  • 2
    @SidTheITGuy means matrix. That's for dem cool guys
  • 3
    Rant 2: it's just creating naive queries.
    Rant 5: just apply, fuck it. What are they going to do, tell you no?
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    @b2plane for your second account: b21 plane is now a thing
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    @retoor u2spyplane could be it
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    @lungdart there will be a 45 min Technical interview so i must be prepared to answer their questions. Whats the best way to prepare
  • 2
    @b2plane honestly, probably a beer to calm your nerves.

    Those types of interviews are to see how you think, how you debug and design. They use that as a proxy to gage experience.

    But in reality, it should be a fun two way conversation about technology with a friend.
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    @lungdart I think it's also very important how you react when you don't know something. They want to know how you are to work with. I pass on social skills I guess; I applied for many jobs I don't have dem skills for
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    @retoor I've never had a job I was qualified for. Lol
  • 0
    @lungdart I worked in outsourcing and they let me apply for everything - if I got hired they gave me a book. Good luck, study. So I even did delphi once! I've read Delphi for .Net. I'm sure im the only one who've read that
  • 3
    I like the anti rant spam feature of devrant.
  • 4
    This place will get clogged with shitposts if you create a second account. No one wants that.
  • 2
    Rant 1: ok
    Rant 2: not a rant
    Rant 3: for the love of god please don’t
    Rant 4: just shut the fuck up
    Rant 5: who actually cares?
  • 0
    ORMs, frameworks, and abstractions are there to prevent errors and bugs. Most language allow us to write raw SQL queries. I do it too sometimes for simple scripts, but doing so comes with a high risk of mistyping. They shouldn't make queries much slower. A few miliseconds slower is fine, in exchange of error proofing.
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    @daniel-wu 200 ms with ORM vs 7 ms as raw query is normal?
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    @b2plane nope... your company should probably use another ORM, or rewrite existing modules...
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