I have such little patience for the whole fucking “let’s just do it later” mentality anymore. Especially when it takes like 30 minutes or less to fix. Then a month goes by and everyone suffers from it not being fixed. Like I understand why they do so and why it’s important to just do the task. I understand there’s often no time to make huge improvements, but if you have time and you see a small thing that can be fixed, make improvements you silly little bump-on-a-log. Like have a little empathy for your comrades goddamnit.

  • 2
    "Hey, the client wants to have a call about a small change before delivery"

    "Let's just do it later"
  • 3
    I call it the 75 % rule.

    Either do a job fully or leave it as it is.

    It always ends badly to do a job only up to 75 % and then leave it unfinished.

    Badly in the sense of "exponential more work later that could have been prevented".

    Just do it once properly
  • 3
    @coldfire honestly clients be a lot like that one asshole member in a group project that never does any work but always criticizes everything. And I know that person bc that used to be me lol.
  • 3
    Come to Germany, @chonky-quiche
    The land where we overengineer everything until it fails!
    Weeeee! *riding the public service roller-coaster into a brick wall*
  • 1
    @scor probably gonna be in Germany this winter so I’ll make sure to give that coaster a good college try
  • 1
    Anything for a good depression, @chonky-quiche, eh
  • 2
    You'd like the Broken Window chapter from The Pragmatic Programmer
  • 1
    @MammaNeedHummus I’ll be sure to read it
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